January 1, 2009

New Year's Day 2009@LA Downtown

We went to Little Tokyo in LA Downtown to celebrate new year.
That first shirine/temple visit of the New Year is called Hatsumode in Japan.
Koyasan Buddhist temple/ 高野山真言宗米国別院

We bought omamori (Japanese amulets) at the temple.
And we did omikuji (Japanese traditional random fortunes). My boyfriend and I both got the best one, Daikichi (excellent)!!

They are doing Mochitsuki, the traditional mochi-pounding ceremony in Japan.

California Department of Transportation District 7 Headquarters Building

Los Angeles City Hall

Happy New Year!

Little Tokyo/ リトル東京 (Official Site/ wikipedia)

Hatsumode/ 初詣 (wikipedia)

Omamori/ お守り (wikipedia)

Omikuji/ おみくじ (wikipedia)

Mochitsuki/ 餅つき (wikipedia)

California Department of Transportation District 7 Headquarters Building

Los Angeles City Hall
/ ロサンゼルス市庁舎 (wikipedia)
